Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Building a Blog

Well, I thought I would try creating this web site, though I may end up with something strange.  I don't know all the language for filling out the information forms - but here goes!

I plan to use this site to post my latest art projects.  This site may  cause a bit of a problem: taking the time to post the latest news or actually DOING a painting.  TIME is the issue.  It will be interesting!


Jen said...

This is Awesome!

Mary Kay Chicoine said...

Thank you, Isis. You are one of my favorite grandogs! (I have to say "one of" because Otie might read this and we don't want to hurt his feeling, huh.

I love your picture on your website. You are "Miss Queen of the Hill". It was so nice to have you come on our painting day.